Thursday, January 1, 2009

Percy's Baby

(Patrick insisted I take the video down so its not available for the world to see. However, I think its just about the cutest thing ever, so email me if you want a copy - cheers)

Before Hadrian was born Percy entertained us to no end with his commentary about 'Baby Noah's baby sister.' We tried to explain to him that boys don't actually have wombs, but to no avail. He kept talking about how we would have to take him to the hospital one day so she could get out. Even after he ended up making the trip in the middle of the night for Hadrian to be born, he still insisted.

I thought for sure that once he went and saw Baby Noah's baby sister (Isa) in real life that would end it. But no, the only concession that he made is that now its 'Big Brother Noah's baby sister' (being a big brother is quite a note of distinction with him).

I was starting to think it was a stage he was over until come Christmas morning, he opened up a gift for him and Hadrian containing a cute little stuffed bear. The first thing he did was offer it some snackies! I'm sure in a few years it will absolutely mortify him that I posted this on the internet, but it is just too cute!

Brothers Playing

Rolling Over

After what must feel like forever to him and seems like a blink of an eye to us, Hadrian's hard work has paid off.
He first rolled from his front to his back on October 14th. Then he didn't do it again for another six weeks. Since then he's been doing it regularly, but hadn't attempted much in the other directions. However, once we got up to Merrill (where he had all that great floor space) he really started working on it. And boy did he work hard! On December 25th mid day he actually got all the way over and since then has been rolling 360 degrees as often as he can. It still thrills him (and us).

Christmas 2008